Our Actual Route
By rfay - Posted on September 13th, 2005
Tagged: Route
Here's what we did with our actual route:
- Manchester, NH around several circles visiting relatives and going to a family reunion, then heading north to Dover, NH
- Dover, NH north to Gorham, NH over Evans Notch
- Gorham, NH up to Magog, Quebec and back down to West Barnet, VT
- West Barnet, VT down to Canaan, NH
- Georges Mills, NH to Manchester, NH to complete the loop.
Our last night out we stayed with Nancy's brother Dan near Canaan, which was too far to make Manchester in one day and still get our bikes packed. So Dan's friend Todd kindly gave us about a 30 mile headstart by driving us with our bikes to Georges Mills, which also gave us a more pleasant route.