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Hobobiker Podcast #5: Juchitan Oaxaca
(Click the "play" icon above to listen to the podcast. Or go to the podcast page for instructions on how to use Itunes or another Podcast-listening tool.)
There we were sitting in the Zocalo (the main plaza) in the seaside town of Juchitan, Oaxaca, and we thought - we could record some of this for you. So we describe here what we saw and heard that night. We talk about the marimbas playing and how the "food court" works, and the rental-electric cars for the kids. It was a nice evening in the plaza.
10:12 minutes (9.34 MB)
Hobobiker Podcast #6 - Indigenous Healers in San Juan Chamula
Here's the story of our visit to the Chiapas village of San Juan Chamula, where the church hasn't had a mass in 40 years, and it's used exclusively for the village's purposes. The main figure in the church is Saint John the Baptist, not Jesus, and the business inside is about indigenous healers, not about church services. The priests are allowed inside rarely, and only for baptisms.
We also bring you up to date on where we are and why we're not in Guatemala yet (We've been studying Spanish in the lovely city of San Cristóbal de las Casas, probably our last major stop in Mexico.)
17:19 minutes (15.86 MB)
Bike Tourist Podcast Interview
We were recently interviewed on the Bike Tourist Podcast and Gabriel said we could post the file here. Enjoy!
If you don't already subscribe to Gabriel's excellent podcast, sign up!
76:25 minutes (52.54 MB)