Troy Family Reunion


We rode our bikes along the entire coast of New Hampshire, yes the whole coast before noon on Saturday. Are you impressed? Well it was only 16 miles of coast line but it was so beautiful. Riding along the sea coast was such a treat. Moist area, surfers out in the rocklined shallows and eel grass marshes.

We rode to my cousin Janice's house in Stratham, NH where all my crazy troy relatives mingled for the the Troy Family Reunion, an afternoon of eating, drinking and general fun. Aunt Kay was the oldest at 96. (Fiesty old broad) It was wonderful seeing all the relatives I have not seen in ages.

We rode our bikes this morning from Stratham to Exeter to visit Randy's uncle and aunt. We rode 41 miles up to Dover where our new friend Roland walked up to us out of the blue at the grocery store and took us home for dinner. Wonderful evening with top notch people (and new friends). Wow. What a treat!