The Raramuri (Tarahumara) People
The Raramuri (as they call themselves) or Tarahumara (as the Spanish named them) are quite famous both as perhaps the least acculturated people in the Americas and as world-class runners. (Raramuri means something like "people who run".)
They're known to be quite reticent about picture taking and overall interaction with outsiders, and I didn't get to know any, but was fascinated to see them once I got to see many outside the contect of simple crafts sales and such. Seeing native peoples in their native costumes in a park in a tourist town is not too exciting, but backpacking along and coming to a town in the middle of nowhere and seeing that they actually wear the real traditional garb is pretty amazing.
I didn't take pictures of any Raramuri, but found some on the web that might be interesting to you. The men wear a skirt-like cover over a loincloth:
The women wear wonderful multicolored skirts and scarves and everything. I've never seen a more beatiful set of clothes on anybody anywhere than the bright colored getup that a woman had on the bus from Batopilas. It was simply gorgeous, with so many beautiful colors.
The site has a bit more on the Raramuri.